Research Interests
- Robust Statistics, Multivariate Analysis, High Dimensional Methods, Machine Learning (Clustering, Classification, Anomaly Detection), Image Processing.
- Courses Taught: Descriptive Statistics, Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, C programming, R programming, Monte Carlo Methods, Statistical Quality Control, Multivariate Analysis and Nonparametric Methods at undergraduate level. Advised 4 UG Semester VI students in their compulsory project work.
Articles in Journals
- Basu, A., Chakraborty, S., Ghosh, A., & Pardo, L. (2021). Robust density power divergence based tests in multivariate analysis: A comparative overview of different approaches. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2022, 104846, ISSN 0047-259X.
- Chakraborty, S., Basu, A., & Ghosh, A. (2023).
Robust Clustering with Normal Mixture Models: A
Pseudo β-Likelihood Approach. arXiv preprint
arXiv:2009.04710. Accepted in the journal
Econometrics and Statistics on October 26-th, 2023.
- Poster Presentation (online mode), titled "Robust Clustering with Normal Mixture Models: A Pseudo β-Likelihood Approach" at ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
- Paper Presentation (online mode), titled "A Comparative Review of some Robust Tests of Hypothesis based on Density Power Divergence" at the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Statistics and its Applications-2022", Namangan, Uzbekistan.
- Presentation titled, "Robust Estimation of
Multivariate Location and Scale via Divergence
Minimization and its Applications in Machine
Learning" as invited speaker at the weekly seminar
on October 3, 2023 at the Applied Statistics Unit,
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Professional Affiliation
- External Research Fellow at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.