About the Department
The origin of the Under Graduate department can be
traced back to 1894. Many eminent mathematicians
like Professor KaliprasannaDasgupta, Professor
Shyamadas Mukherjee and Professor Prabodh Chandra
Gupta have served the department.The college was
affiliated to the Intermediate Arts course in
mathematics in 1915-1916 and for B.A. general course
in 1921-1922. In 1923 the college became affiliated
to the intermediate science course as well. The
department received the affiliation in Honours
course in 1923-24.
The Post Graduate Department of Mathematics at
Bethune College, Kolkata started in 2007. Eminent
scholars like Professor M. K. Sen, Professor
ShobhakarGanguly, Late Professor Jyoti Das and Late
Professor SomeshBagchi extended their hands of
cooperation to the PG Department in its formative
stage. Presently 12 teachers are engaged in the
Department in different capacities, including
full-time teachers and distinguished retired
professors from Calcutta University, Jadavpur
University, Burdwan University, North Bengal
University and Indian Statistical Institute.
The Department offers a two-year four-semester MSc,
degree (CBCS) course affiliated to the Department of
Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta. The
Department admits 16 students through the
centralized admission process of the University. The
Department is well-equipped with
mathematical-computational laboratories and modern
tools including smart classroom-cum-gallery for
organizing seminars and interactive sessions.

Sri. Prasenjit Singha
Assistant Professor and HOD
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Dr. Sanjib Basu
Associate Professor and HOD
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
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Dr. Rupa Pal
Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
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Dr. Debprasad Pal
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
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Smt. Bithi Chattaraj
State-Aided College Teacher Category-I
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Smt. Barnali Mondal
State-Aided College Teacher Category-II
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Sri. Lokenath Ganguly
JMD Teaching Fellow
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Jyotsnamoyee Dey Professors
Prof. (Retd.) Dilip Kumar Ganguly
M.Sc., Ph.D. Jyotsnamoyee Dey Professor
Dr. (Retd.) Jayasri Sircar
M.Sc., Ph.D. Jyotsnamoyee Dey Professor
Prof. Pratap Chandra Ray
M.Sc., Ph.D Jyotsnamoyee Dey Professor
- The Department is well-equipped with mathematical-computational laboratories (one funded by DST-FIST) and modern tools. (Two well-equipped Computer Laboratories with 32 computers with Scanners and Printers).
- Software's: , MATLAB, LATEX, LINUX, C, C++
- Laptop, Plasma TV and LCD projector.
- One virtual Class Room with Smart Board
- Departmental Library has 203 books